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The documents are classified by thematic areas :

Plan bibliothèque anglais
Cluster 1
Fluid mechanics, Acoustics, Energetics
Cluster 2
Solid Mechanics, Civil Engineering
Cluster 3
Materials Science and Technology
Cluster 4

Electronics, Electrical Technology, and Automated Control

Cluster 5
Cluster 6
Computer Science, NICT
Cluster 7
Earth and Life Sciences, Medical Engineering, Environment
Cluster 8
Law, Economic and Management Sciences
Cluster 9
Art, Literature and Humanities
Cluster 10
Languages and Cultures of the world
Work and Career Cluster
Tools for vocational guidance

The ECL alumni directory can be borrowed in paper form (Work and Career Cluster, call number 371.85 ASS).

It can also be consulted online on a computer in the library (access offered by the Association des Centraliens de Lyon).